Le lierre d’ornement – Hedera helix ‘Erecta’
In a nutshell
Hedera helix 'Erecta', a shrubby ivy
To find your way around the great diversity of ivy, we can classify it in different ways.
One of the most classic and scientific is classification by species, based on botanical criteria. But it soon becomes apparent that the species Hedera helix is made up of hundreds, if not thousands, of cultivars, which prompts the search for additional classification criteria.
Another commonly used classification system for ivy is the Pierot system, named after the first president and founder of the American Ivy Society, Mrs. Suzanne Warner Pierot. This system is simply based on the plant's general appearance. It classifies them into 9 categories. It has the advantage of being very simple and suggestive. But it is rather approximate, as the same ivy can be classified in several categories.
Another classification is based on the stage of development reached by the ivy: juvenile, semi-adult, adult. But it's important to bear in mind that the same variety can go through all three stages in succession, of course.
Finally, a fourth system is based on habit. Ivy is either creeping, climbing, bushy or shrubby. But here too, the same variety can be both creeping and climbing, depending on circumstances and environment.
It is therefore usually necessary to use several of these classifications to characterize a particular ivy.
Le lierre d’ornement, Hedera helix ‘Erecta‘, se classerait ainsi parmi l’espèce Hedera helix, dans la catégorie “Curiosités” de la classification Pierot; c’est un lierre au stade juvénile. Enfin, s’agissant du port, on dira que c’est un lierre arbustif car ses tiges sont dressées, érigées, un peu comme un arbuste. Elles sont d’ailleurs plutôt ligneuses comme celles des arbustes. Il peut ainsi atteindre presque 1 mètre de haut, sans support, ni crampons.
Ce cultivar fut listé la première fois par Anon en 1898.par
Fiche détaillée - Hedera helix 'Erecta'
Botanical information
- Family: Araliaceae
- Genre : Hedera
- Species: helix
- Cultivar : ‘Erecta’
- Pierot classification: ivy curiosity
- Foliage stage: juvenile
- Species origin: Europe, from Spain to Norway, but little on the Atlantic coast.
- Origin of cultivar: unknown
Description de Hedera helix ‘Erecta’
- Growth habit: shrubby
- Nombre de lobes : non lobé en général, parfois 3 lobes
- Leaf length: 5 cm
- Sheet width: 5 cm
- Leaf color: dark green
- Color of veins: light green
- Stem and petiole color: brown
- Ramifications : peu ramifié
- Hairs: stellate, 3 to 5 branches
Conseils plantation, culture et entretien de Hedera helix ‘Erecta’
- Exposure: shade, part shade, sun
- Rusticité : -20°C
- Soil moisture: cool soil
- Soil PH: neutral or calcareous
- Soil type: all
- Soil richness: ordinary or humus-bearing
- Utilisation : couvre-sol, potées, jardinières, rocaille, bonsaï, art topiaire, isolé
- Development: moderate
- Pruning: once a year
- Pests: very rare (red spider mites, scale insects)
- Diseases: very rare (leaf spots)
Une page de ma petite encyclopédie du lierre
Other shrubby ivy
There are other shrubby ivies. The most similar to Hedera helix 'Erecta' is undoubtedly Hedera helix 'Congesta'. They are often confused.
In the same style, we also find Hedera helix 'Conglomerata' which was voted Ivy of the Year by the American Ivy Society in 2015.
We should also mention the "tree" ivy:
- H. rhombea 'Submaginata arborescens
- H. helix 'Irish Lace arborescens
- H. helix 'Pepermint arborescens'
- H. helix 'Deltoidea arborescens'
- H. helix 'Arborescens'
You'll find all the ivy shrubs on this page.
This type of ivy is generally suitable for rock gardens. They remain modest in size, but are upright, so they add volume to a rock garden and create verticals that break up the monotony.
Le lierre dans la littérature
“Le lierre couvrait les murs délabrés, transformant la désolation en une scène de beauté.”
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