Hedera pastuchovii - Iran Ivy

Forme originelle au feuillage légèrement veiné, marbré tout comme Hedera cypria qui est une sous espèce de pastuchovii.

Feuilles de 2.5 cm x 2 cm à 1 seul lobe, portées par de fines tiges qui ont la particularité de s’enterrer dans le sol pour ressortir plus loin comme des drageons.

Intéressante pour habiller les vieux pieds d’arbre quand leur système racinaire est très dense superficiellement.




Iran ivy - Hedera pastuchovii

In a nutshell

Le lierre d’Iran, Hedera pastuchovii, est une des variétés botaniques de lierre. On le trouve principalement en Turquie, dans le Caucase juqu’en Afghanistan.

Its leaves are triangular in shape, without lobes or with two discrete lobes at the base. They are clearly longer than they are wide. The leaves are attractively veined with grayish veins. 

The leaf blade is a shiny dark green with a fairly thick texture. The underside is olive green to light green.

The stems are slender and not very branched. They have the particularity of burying themselves in the soil to emerge further out as suckers.

This quality is ideal for dressing old trees with very dense root systems.

More ivy from Iran

There are very few cultivars of Iranian ivy. Only two are known:

Botanists distinguish a subspecies of this ivy, endemic to the island of Cyprus: Hedera pastuchovii subsp. cypria, commonly known as Cyprus ivy.

Technical details - Hedera pastuchovii

Botanical information

  • Family: Araliaceae
  • Genre : Hedera
  • Species: pastuchovii
  • Pierot classification: heart-shaped ivy
  • Foliage stage: juvenile
  • Species origin: Western Asia, from the Caucasus to Afghanistan


Description of Hedera pastuchovii

  • Growth habit: spreading, stocky, lianascent
  • Number of lobes: none or 2 at base
  • Leaf length: 4 to 11 cm
  • Leaf width: 3 to 6 cm
  • Leaf shape: rather triangular
  • Base shape: slightly cordiform
  • Apex shape: acute
  • Leaf color: medium to dark green, dull
  • Color of veins: greyish
  • Stem and petiole color: green-brown
  • Stem: thin, with little branching
  • Petiole length: 3 to 12 cm
  • Internodes: 0.5 to 5 cm
  • Flowering: solitary umbels or groups of 3 to 8
  • Flowering time: September
  • Fructification: black berries 0.6 to 1 mm in diameter
  • Fruiting period: winter
  • Hairs: scaly, 8 to 12 branches


Tips for planting, growing and caring for Hedera pastuchovii

  • Exposure: shade, part shade
  • Hardiness: -15°C
  • Soil moisture: cool soil
  • Soil PH: acidic, neutral or calcareous
  • Soil type: all
  • Soil richness: ordinary or humus-bearing
  • Use: ground cover, climber
  • Development: moderate
  • Pruning: once a year
  • Pests: very rare (red spider mites, scale insects)
  • Diseases: very rare (leaf spots)
La boutique du lierre - guirlande de lierre

Le lierre dans la littérature

“Le lierre qui enserre les troncs d’arbres morts est semblable à la douleur qui étreint les cœurs dévastés.

Chateaubriand, Atala

Further information

Weight ND
Stock godets et pots de 1 litre

6 à 10 pots

Stock conteneurs de 2 ou 4 litres

0 conteneur

Stock gros sujets

0 gros sujet

Aspect général

Staggered, Lianescent, Stocky

Type de feuillage et couleur

Atypical, Green

Utilisations envisageables

Ground cover


Semi-shade, Shade, Sun


Bonne rusticité

Ease of cultivation




Vigueur de développement


Classification selon le système Pierot


Récompense obtenue

Aucune récompense connue


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